back to wall, floor mounted toilet
 back to wall, floor mounted toilet
 back to wall, wall hung toilet
 back to wall, wall hung toilet
 back to wall, wall hung toilet
 Toilet + bidet |
scarabeo tizi
Scarabeo Tizi bathroom toilets. The options available for the Tizi WC are a kit comprising internal flush mechanism and wall flush plate in white plastic or chrome for the back to wall versions, a soft closing seat option, and a bidet option. Tizi is also available in colours - priced extra
scarabeo tizi back to wall wc, wall mounted E450.00 + shipping
scarabeo tizi back to wall wc, floor mounted E500.00 + shipping
scarabeo tizi soft close toilet seat E190.00 + shipping
optional geberit flush mechanism + wall flush plate + internal cistern E300.00 + shipping
scarabeo tizi wall cistern E680.00 + shipping
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